No One understands about being on a self-destructive path better than I do
In my 20s I was one of the most self-destructive, self-loathing people on the planet
And I still tend to be sometimes in some ways (as you know)
In other words
I Do Not Judge You
I Love You
And I only want to support you
While being honest with you at the same time
That is, while telling you the truth about what I may be feeling and thinking
I know you know what I mean <angel smile>
If ONLY the right kind of help was available to me back in the day
It could have made all the difference in the world
If ONLY I had someone in my life to guide me back when
It would have made all the difference
It really would have
Cuz love is funny that way
And you deserve more love not less
We all do
There are great, free, easy-access programs and such these days
To guide us into moderation of substances
And self love
Self love is the biggy
And forgiveness too especially of self
Learning how to change our thinking
Practicing loving, forgiving, positive self-talk
Making reinforcing mantras from such
I am healing because of all these things
YOU are so young
If you start now
You will totally change the course you are on
If you want to!
And by the time you are my age
And even way earlier than that
Your life will be transformed
YOU have the Power
We ALL do for ourselves
Don't Listen To Any Voice Or Source About Yourself That Is Anything But Loving And Empowering
And When Those Discordant Voices Arise
Especially The Ones Inside Your Head
Remember They Are Only There As Part Of Your Own Innocence Begging For Your Love
Begging For Only The Love You Can Give Them