Oh my gosh, all I can think about is How Very Different everyone's drinking journey is!
The perils and trials and good times too of my own journey over the decades has brought me to where I am right now;
And right now is a very good place!
And, I'm sorry... no, I'm Not sorry!... I won't apologize for delighting in sticking it to all the nay-sayers, accusers, judgers, name-callingers----the ones who told me it couldn't be done, or that I personally couldn't do it.
Again, this common attitude is mainly because of the "recovery movement mentality" in our country.
I'm proceeding in my Sobrietist plan, I'm doing it for love, and it feels so good!
Love of others (perhaps one other in particular!), love of self, love of health...
When I actually get to my first goal: Drinking once a week (and it will be easy to go easy that way too), and maintain it for a while, I'm going to feel even better about myself and my life, and my confidence is going to go through the roof! (Pardon the cliche!)
Reminder: My first goal is to drink once a week, and my plan is that it's OK to drink twice a week until I get there. (My second goal will probably be to drink every-other week.)
I've been easily-peasily substance-free since Friday (drank on Thursday), and really know in my heart that it's possible for me to not drink until this coming Friday. I don't want to jinx anything though; it just feels like it would be easier for me to achieve this right now than it has been before.
The Power of Love is so fucking real, y'all! As Love grows in one's life and heart, well, it is simply the Master Healer. Period.
With The Intention Of Achieving Balance And Control Over Drinking And Being Fully Deprogrammed From CultAA--which I am learning to forgive, and let go of. Research teaches us that 1 out of 3 people are problem drinkers, but 90% of problem drinkers are Not Alcoholics and can change.
My Drinking History: Over four decades of mostly problem drinking, five drunken-related arrests in my 20s (the early 80s), of abstinence and binge-drinking, of trying moderation and usually-or-often failing, of being immersed in almost every other recovery group out there, but of being mostly sober.