Turns out yesterday was the perfect day for me to indulge.
(I told myself as I was driving to the liquor store feeling guilty for not waiting until my planned drinking day of Friday, "I will only forgive myself if I don't drink again until Monday!", thinking I was breaking my drinking plan... but I wasn't!... I was creating a new one!)
I had such a positive and productive day, then by 5 pm I was too fatigued even to read, so my only choice was to watch TV.
But there was nothing good on my DVR.
Drinking that bottle of wine while watching MSNBC The Place For Politics and playing solitaire on my laptop, and then watching American Idol live at 8pm (Go LaPorsha and that MIRACLE! baby of yours!) =
A delightful night!
I like this new Sobrietist plan to drink only twice a week and to not choose the days ahead of time, but let them choose me, for the most part; sometimes I'll plan ahead.
I also like giving myself the freedom to drink as much as I want, instead of keeping it to 1-4 drinks, which I would need to do if I drank more than twice a week.
It's not like I'm out of control and drinking to excess! My excess would be more than 6 drinks, and those times are rare for me, you see.
Everyone is different, yo!
That bottle of Barefoot Pinot Grigio was 5 drinks.
I'm confident that I'll not want to drink before my week starts on Monday.
It's easier for me to not drink on the weekends than during the week, I found out.
I seem to almost need to drink on Monday's. LOL!
You Choose What Sobriety Is For You