My Drinking History: Over four decades of mostly problem drinking, five drunken-related arrests in my 20s (the early 80s), of abstinence and binge-drinking, of trying moderation and usually-or-often failing, of being immersed in almost every other recovery group out there, but of being mostly sober.

Monday, July 27, 2015

I Don't Know What I Was Thinking... But It's Important To Figure It Out

How many times do I gotta tell ya, you're not a normal person, you can't drink like one!*

Imaginary comment from whomever.

I'm very glad help is on the way.

I'll talk about that another time.

For now, this is me trying not to beat-up on myself for drinking a whole bottle of champagne yesterday, getting stoned on legal pot, then driving to 7-11 to buy a single-serving mini bottle of champagne! But I was so happy at the time, I wasn't even bothered by the cop car that appeared before me as if as an escort back to my house. In fact, I loved it. I felt like he was there approving my behavior. I feel he was sent by someone I love, by his higher self, to look out for me.... but this morning, of course, I don't have such a positive spin on the experience!

What if something had gone wrong? What if I had gotten arrested for drunk driving?!

That would be insane for someone who has such a minimal problem with alcohol, someone who is so Blessed that way. It just goes to show you how insidious and surprising this problem truly can be.

And I Didn't Even Drink The Whole Mini Bottle! I Only Drank Half!!! I DROVE under the influence for THAT??!!

Again, please don't let me hate on myself. LOVE is the answer. Like ALL souls, I Deserve More Love Not Less. Love is the Master Healer. I will love myself through this and I will love myself into changing.

Because, otherwise, my private party was a blast!
Sobriety is a blast for me too, and I will cultivate more of it.

     *A normal person can and does drink a bottle of champagne or wine whenever they please.