My Drinking History: Over four decades of mostly problem drinking, five drunken-related arrests in my 20s (the early 80s), of abstinence and binge-drinking, of trying moderation and usually-or-often failing, of being immersed in almost every other recovery group out there, but of being mostly sober.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

This Is IT, Folks!

This is my sincerest most dedicated attempt to learn to Master Control over alcohol. (And to fully deprogram from CultAAs brainwashing about drinking; because they are dead wrong on so many levels, because over the decades they caused me much more harm than good, because they embedded in my subconscious a deep lie about myself and my drinking, and because they have caused thousands of suicides through their erroneous, dangerous beliefs and thinking.)

I have Very Good new help and support in this fantastic journey, which I will blog about as I go along.


I'm desiring to drink even though I planned to wait until Friday to drink. On a scale of 1 - 10 the desire is a 5. I created this blog as a way to talk myself through things like this. I have good online forums for this as well. A personal drinking diary feels like a must-have right now.

The reason I want to drink today is because we have no plans and it's a lazy Sunday. I'm stuck inside on this hot day. I simply want to Play, to Party, to have Fun. To Relax. To alter my consciousness.

The trick is that I want to limit how much I drink. I'm very health conscious. I've been drinking every-other day or even a bit more often the past week or so. This is definitely a phase, but with alcohol I have to be careful it doesn't escalate; it can so easily get out of control.

I also have to keep my drinking a secret from my little family. That is a story in itself. It's mostly to protect them, but it's also because I seem to maintain better moderation when drinking is My Secret.

For me, even four standard drinks is a lot, and is usually too much.

Compared to everyone else I know with a drinking problem, I drink practically nothing. I'm very Blessed, and I know it. Everyone is different, everyone's physiology is different.

So, to drink or not to drink, that is the question!

No doubt I'd feel better about myself if I stuck to my Plan, but I'm still so new at this I don't even really know how to plan when it comes to drinking.

The ONLY Plan that I MUST adhere to is No Drinking And Driving!!!!  AMEN!!!

That means if I run out of booze and want more, I don't get to get more and I have to ride-out the feelings. That is hard to do when your judgment is impaired!
But This One Is A No-Brainer!!!

I can feel within me that I could quite easily choose not to drink today if I wanted to. That's because alcohol is not an addiction, it's a weakness.

I think I'm going to drink. OK, what should I drink? A 1/2 pint of white tequila is four standard shots. Or I could get three craft beers. Or three individual servings of wine. But the truth is, I know I want four drinks today. More than that and I will definitely suffer later.

Later: Just bought this:

Love this champagne. Haven't had it for a while. A bottle equals 5 standard drinks of 5 oz. each. I'm hoping I will want to pour one of them down the drain. I'll survive sleep-time tonight much better if I do.

I'm also going to curb my use of legal medicinal cannabis today. The last time I used it I got too high and that was a first. I don't use much as it is, of course. But it's super easy for me to control my use of.