My Drinking History: Over four decades of mostly problem drinking, five drunken-related arrests in my 20s (the early 80s), of abstinence and binge-drinking, of trying moderation and usually-or-often failing, of being immersed in almost every other recovery group out there, but of being mostly sober.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Woke Up Wanting To Give Myself A Beautiful Gift

And what I want to give myself is a 30! Perhaps it's been a year since I abstained from drinking on my own for a month! It's possible it's been that long.

I hope I am really ready for this because I really could use it; body, mind, spirit.

On the heels of drinking yesterday unexpectedly, and drinking too much to boot. Seven standard drinks. Guinness Draught and tequila. Plenty of med weed.

I think it helped me face and deal with some very important, very personal feelings though. I think I nailed it! I think I got it out of my system!--the issue at hand!--regarding a very dear loved one and me.

MM calls it doing a 30. HAMSnetwork must have something in their literature about this too; and of course they'd support it. Life Process Progam (LPP) most definitely will support it, and today I hear from my personal coach for the first time, after filling out extensive self assessment exercises!

I don't have to be afraid. I'm not alone. I have a lot of support and tools to utilize.

Guess what? This will be the first time in three decades that I've done a long period of abs with the intention of continuing to be a drinker afterwards. Being the black and white thinker when it comes to drinking, I've never chosen to abstain for a period, I've only ever chosen to quit drinking forever. So, I don't even know if I can do this this new way!

HOWEVER, in 2013 and 2014, not part of any group, and following a year of alcohol-free on my own in 2012, I drank just once a month for many of those months! Good to remind myself of that! I didn't think of it as doing any official abstaining periods, it was just the way I wanted to drink.

OK then! I did it before and I can do it again!