My Drinking History: Over four decades of mostly problem drinking, five drunken-related arrests in my 20s (the early 80s), of abstinence and binge-drinking, of trying moderation and usually-or-often failing, of being immersed in almost every other recovery group out there, but of being mostly sober.

Monday, December 21, 2015

By The Time I Write A Book About This, I'll Truly Know Fer Sure If Moderation Is Holding For Me!

Last night I drank half a beer. Geeez, what an alchi!  ...NOT! :D

I really want to turn this blog into a book.
Moderation success stories..... truly Major transformation stories are exciting, and needed in the world!
Helping to integrate the very flawed "Recovery Movement Mentality" into the earth's new 5th dimensional way of being is needed too!
Things DO get better and become integrated. In other words, it's not loving to destroy the ego, and besides, it doesn't serve anything or anyone. It's loving to allow discordant energy to be transmuted and integrated into a higher vibration.

I hope to hear from others, but so far, no bites.

Are there not enough moderation success stories yet?
Are people just shy? Even if they remain anonymous?

Perhaps a book like mine would be very ground-breaking then!

I can't wait to get started!

My working title is "F U CAA! (F@%k You CultAA!)"

LOL!, I love it! Dunno if I'd be able to get away with it or not!

I don't apologize for being Very Opinionated about AA; they caused me So Much Harm, and they ARE responsible for hundreds of suicides (if not more).  Research the links in the right margin.
Even during my own decades in and out of the cult, I heard of many friends ending their lives. They felt like hopeless losers and failures because they 'couldn't grasp this simple program!'

But, believe me, my book is NOT going to be an AA-bashing session, I'm only going to make references to AA, and will try to be kind and non-judgmental. My book will be mostly POSITIVE and HAPPY about STRENGTH and TRANSFORMATION, and thoughts about believing in oneself and the Power in that. .....Mostly, it's going to simply be the story of my personal experiences in my very long journey with alcohol, which proved to be the greatest challenge of my life!

The Happy Ending to the book is TRUE.  And it's SO amazing and miraculous. Who woulda thunk it!