My Drinking History: Over four decades of mostly problem drinking, five drunken-related arrests in my 20s (the early 80s), of abstinence and binge-drinking, of trying moderation and usually-or-often failing, of being immersed in almost every other recovery group out there, but of being mostly sober.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Just An Update

Per last post, didn't drink that day.

Drank yesterday.

PLANNED on drinking 6 gluten-free beers and it was over severe heartache regarding the ongoing drama and hurt from my FOO (family of origin) that I've been living my entire life to try to heal.


I only drank 5 1/3 beers.

This is unheard of right? After all, I'm an "ALCOHOLIC" according to what I was taught to believe about myself my whole adult life.

I'm no alcoholic.

And every day that passes I become more and more clear on that.

Tonight I really needed to drink too (FOO pain).
I'm NOT of the camp that thinks "Drinking when you feel bad is bad drinking."
That's ridiculous.
Done right it is very good for your heart and nervous system.

Tonight's choice was a Vodka from France called PINNACLE.
It's quite smooth! Wayy smoother than tequila.
I'm halfway through my half pint.

I also just took four drops of CBD tincture and four drops of my brand new THC tincture.
I'm learning that CBD works better for healing when used with THC.
That makes perfect sense to me; the entire plant; meant to work together.

I just LOVE this blog.
I just LOVE how I get to be ME.
And tell my TRUTH.

I can't say Precisely what is Curing my "alcoholism."  It's a mixture of the groups listed in the right margin, Structured Water, spiritual growth, and growing Self Love.

And So It Is