My Drinking History: Over four decades of mostly problem drinking, five drunken-related arrests in my 20s (the early 80s), of abstinence and binge-drinking, of trying moderation and usually-or-often failing, of being immersed in almost every other recovery group out there, but of being mostly sober.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


The more I get into this new program, I'm feeling I don't belong there.
It's, like most programs, designed for people with far, far, far worse drinking problems than me; who's lives are falling apart in all the typical ways that bad drinking problems bring.
And who can't do much moderate drinking, if at all,
And who drink every day.
Stuff like that.

I can't relate.
I don't resonate.

I don't even know why I think I need to do an Abs-30 after all. But I'm not exactly a social drinker; I drink more than that. But most social drinkers I know of wouldn't even give up drinking for 30 days. They wouldn't want to and they would find it very hard to if they tried.

I simply wanted to do an Abs-30 for fun, for health, as a way to circulate energy (by doing something different), and to just take a break from drinking. AND to help me get back to drinking less than I've been drinking the past month.

But this program, this "The 30 Day Sobriety Solution" .... is it for me or not?

I gotta figure it out I guess.

Jesus, I'm lucky!!! My "drinking problem" is NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING like everyone else's I hear about no matter where I go.

That doesn't mean I'm happy with my drinking all the time. That doesn't mean when I drink 5-7 drinks sometimes I'm not hurting my health. I DO suffer when I drink that much. And since December I seem to have been drinking that much more than I care to admit. Although I still enjoy lots and lots of 0 days, and lots of 1-3 days, and some 4 drink days too.

MY perfect numbers (we must decide for ourselves what moderation is), as I've written about many times, is 0-3 standard drinks, sometimes 4.

This book claims that alcohol is not even the problem, so maybe if I can work my way through it, accompanied by the free interactive website, I'll discover exactly what it is that makes me over-drink at times and I can fix it! (I have a pretty good idea already.)

Compared to all the other times in my life that I have tried to be a moderate drinker, I'm doing it now. I always failed before and gave up trying. I gave up trying and quit drinking altogether.

....I'm just tired right now. I'm writing this while very fatigued and hungry. I don't necessarily want to drink right now; that's not it at all!  It's just.... where are MY peeps? Where are those who drink like I do?? Am I that unique? !