My Drinking History: Over four decades of mostly problem drinking, five drunken-related arrests in my 20s (the early 80s), of abstinence and binge-drinking, of trying moderation and usually-or-often failing, of being immersed in almost every other recovery group out there, but of being mostly sober.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

I'm A Miracle

We All Are.

Just reinforcing this new personal paradigm,
and further celebrating it!

Never ever in my born days have I been able to accomplish what I have accomplished now with drinking.
I'm So Very Excited And Proud!

To be able to switch to drinking moderately while in the momentum of problem drinking?!
Unheard of for me.
I've only ever before had to QUIT drinking when my drinking was problematic.
It was impossible for me to drink moderately once the over-drinking was in motion.
I could have abstinence days just fine, but could not stop myself from drinking too much when I drank.
That had been my pattern for decades; with very long stretches of abstinence---from months to years.
Always with the belief that I was done drinking for good because I couldn't drink.

And NOW look at me!

As FATE would have it (thank you, Fate, I needed a perk in my life!), my drinking habits rather seamlessly switched from overdoing it to almost just right (still a work in progress, that part; there's always room for improvement).

I Went From Problem Drinking Directly Into Moderate Drinking!
Without having to pass Go and collect $100!
Without having to go to jail! LOL.
I didn't have to quit drinking first! And try again down the road to drink moderately!

WHO would believe this??
What sobriety groups or recovery organizations would ever accept this "anomaly" as fact and truth?!
Well, only the good ones listed in the right margin would! Thank GodGoddessUniverse for them!
But even they usually recommend a period of abstinence first (30 days)!
But the majority of organizations, as well as the majority of the world, would never believe me or even think it possible.
Therefore, I never believed or thought it was possible, but obviously I never gave up trying anyway!
And I'm so glad I didn't!

Drinking is Awesome! :D
When done well! :D

I'm So Lucky!

I'd love to hear from others on Facebook who have a similar journey... but either there aren't any yet, and I'm the leader of the pack; or they're not talking! I guess people just don't feel comfortable talking about their substance use in public!
I'M  SUCH  A  WEIRDO !  ;)