My Drinking History: Over four decades of mostly problem drinking, five drunken-related arrests in my 20s (the early 80s), of abstinence and binge-drinking, of trying moderation and usually-or-often failing, of being immersed in almost every other recovery group out there, but of being mostly sober.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Can I Say Something? It Will Probably Ruffle A Few Feathers Though

Where to begin.

I mean FUCK, I'm living the healthiest way I know how without being a fucking Puritan. BUT...

It just irks me to my core that I'm working my butt off to simply drink consistently moderately and being so hard on myself about it often, when I see the rest of the world eating shit regularly; absolute non-nutritional garbage that harms their health and is slowly killing and dumbifying them.

I was in line with my bottle of champagne a couple days ago at Smart & Final behind a mom and her adorable toddler, both overweight, and her cart was full of poison. It tears me apart, I must say. And what's most probably true is that she's absolutely clueless about what she's doing and about the "food" she's buying for her family due to no fault of her own. In her cart: processed foods, all GMO, most of them sugar-loaded, chemical-loaded, trans-fat-loaded.

And also the fucking MEDS half the population pill-pops.

Both these do so much more harm to health than drinking does. (Not talking about alcoholics.)
Latest case in point: Rheumatoid Arthritis meds killed Eagles band member Glen Frey. He was only 67. FuckThatShit! death-of-Frey

I don't even drink contaminated (chemical-laden) alcohol beverages; I drink as clean as I can, as pure as I can, and I drink all my booze with Structured Water, which neutralizes any toxins and keeps me hydrated. (Link in right margin)

If 1 in 3 people have a drinking problem, 1 in 2 have a meds problem; from pain killers to anxiety meds and everything in-between, and even anti-depressants. We're a pill-popping nation and it's killing us.

But, hey, it's perfectly socially acceptable, it's the norm, and so the country is perfectly content with it. Thanks to Big Pharma, of course.

I'm guilty too. I take low-dose Valium (5 mg) when I go to bed the times I blow my moderation limit and drink 5-7 drinks. I do this to prevent panic attacks in the night from alcohol poisoning, and to help me sleep after too much booze. And I'm dependent on Afrin Nose Spray because I can't breathe without  it due to severe allergies or something; but I dilute it by half with Structured Water.