My Drinking History: Over four decades of mostly problem drinking, five drunken-related arrests in my 20s (the early 80s), of abstinence and binge-drinking, of trying moderation and usually-or-often failing, of being immersed in almost every other recovery group out there, but of being mostly sober.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Oh How I Love A Good Challenge

BTW, just for the record? : )  I had four 0 days (substance-free) in the past week, and that is something I hadn't done for months. So, I think I actually might ace this drinking only once a week thing! I do confess now though that the three days I drank I drank to excess and GAWD did I suffer physically and mentally and emotionally in the night and the next day... even though during "party time" it was a blast. I Can Do So Much Better Than That

In AA and the rest of the recovery movement mentality, we have been taught for decades that the thoughts such as those I expressed in my previous post, are a form of DENIAL, Rationalization, and Justification (as in for an alcoholic to try anything to keep drinking).

And they'd have us believe that the bottom line is that we're "alcoholics" who "CAN'T drink!"

But I'm telling you,
That Kind Of Thinking Is Old Paradigm!

This is the New Paradigm!
This is the 5th Dimension!
This is Quantum Powers available to us time!
This is about not putting limits on ourselves!
This is about achieving whatever we truly believe and trust we can achieve and think we deserve!

Not to mention how Grateful I am to have learned just recently from Jack Canfield and Dave Andrews of The 30 Day Sobriety Solution (link in right margin) the latest government research that says most problem drinkers are NOT alcoholic---as AA and the Recovery Movement Mentality would have you believe and teaches you that you are---only 10% of problem drinkers are alcoholics.

There are SO MANY "Recovery" Groups, alcohol-free groups, that are based in the old paradigm way of thinking. You know, groups like CultAA, Women For Sobriety, Life Ring, SMART, Rational Recovery, to name a few I've been immersed in over the years.

Until next time, soberly yours, Jaya