My Drinking History: Over four decades of mostly problem drinking, five drunken-related arrests in my 20s (the early 80s), of abstinence and binge-drinking, of trying moderation and usually-or-often failing, of being immersed in almost every other recovery group out there, but of being mostly sober.

Monday, February 22, 2016

That's Not The End Of The Story Last Night

I'm sad and sorry to say alcohol ruined a healing day after all, because I lost control and drank 1 1/2 more drinks. I had Jordan buy booze for me (beer) because I told him I was going to drive if he didn't. I was already drunk and stoned. I wish he didn't bring me more booze. I wish he would have just come over and spent time with me instead until the cravings passed. It wasn't more alcohol I needed, it was attention and caring. Now we're in an argument and I accused him of not loving me. I'm not proud of a couple of my posts on Facebook last night either. I woke up hating myself to pieces and sick of drinking.

I'm ready for a break from booze.
Wish I didn't have that deep block/hang-up CultAA gave me, preventing me from abstaining for 30 days; making me VOW not to even, but I do. A previous post: i-had-to-look-really-deep-to-figure-it-out  At least I'm completely comfortable with being substance-free for a while!

Trying to: