My Drinking History: Over four decades of mostly problem drinking, five drunken-related arrests in my 20s (the early 80s), of abstinence and binge-drinking, of trying moderation and usually-or-often failing, of being immersed in almost every other recovery group out there, but of being mostly sober.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

If I'm Now A Normal Drinker This Blog Will Become Boring!

And I'm OK with that!! 

When I think about all the trouble I got into in the past with my drinking, including 5 arrests; 2 were DUIs; back when penalties weren't so severe (the 80s).... well, NOW and only now can I look at that as just crazy kid stuff, not behavior from a certifiable alcoholic who needs to be dependent on a ridiculous organization full of sociopaths to never drink again.

And then, later on in my life, much of my drinking problem was perpetuated by the belief CultAA created in me about myself. 

If that's not true, then why, at 58, am I now able to be a moderate drinker?

Stay Tuned, Folks. It ain't over til it's over!

Here's a recent example of typical AANazi behavior, written by Kenneth Anderson, founder of HAMS Network (link in right margin):