My Drinking History: Over four decades of mostly problem drinking, five drunken-related arrests in my 20s (the early 80s), of abstinence and binge-drinking, of trying moderation and usually-or-often failing, of being immersed in almost every other recovery group out there, but of being mostly sober.

Monday, August 3, 2015

My Latest Message To My LPP Coach

Last night I had the most positive moderation experience in a very long time! My entire family was on board with it, and everyone was happy! Jordan and I spent the evening together relaxing and watching comedy and it was wonderful. He even had a bit of CBD tincture with me! He didn't drink, although he can and does and has never had a problem with it.

These kinds of experiences tell me that I'm on the right track. I'm not interested in abstaining for 30 days at this time.

My first goal is to achieve moderation, as I define it. According to whomever comes up with these things, moderation for women means no more than 9 drinks per week, and no more than 3 drinks a day. Well, I'm tweaking that to suit MY Values:

Drinking no more than twice a week, drinking no more than 4 drinks a day. (= 1/2 pint of tequila)

I have So Much Love And Support now from my little family (since unexpectedly spilling the beans that I drink), because they are learning right along with me how damaging my THINKING had been due to AA, and how Wonderful LPP is, and how much it's changing everything! I have so much love and support now that it is already making it SO MUCH EASIER for me to HONOR MY BODY by drinking only moderately.

When I get to partying, my Spirit and my Soul want to GO GO GO!! Soar! Play hard!! Go higher! Go deeper! But my BODY needs me to be MODERATE :). I love my body, and am learning to love it even more and listen to it even harder and more respectfully. It never lets me down when I do this; it creates a happier, healthier me.

This could work! If my love and respect and honor off my body always trumps my love and desire for more alcohol, I've WON.