My Drinking History: Over four decades of mostly problem drinking, five drunken-related arrests in my 20s (the early 80s), of abstinence and binge-drinking, of trying moderation and usually-or-often failing, of being immersed in almost every other recovery group out there, but of being mostly sober.

Friday, August 14, 2015

What A Day!

It's 5 p.m. and I'm relaxing and unwinding from a very busy, cray cray day with a first standard size glass of wine. I earned it---and the two other mini bottles I bought, which I will drink also: 3 minis of Barefoot Moscato.

It feels so good to tell the truth.
It feels so good not to have to hide my drinking anymore.
Not even from my family.
Instead of keeping the bottles in my bathroom, they are chillin' in the fridge.
I even had my 23-year-old muscle test me on one.
I completely expected my arm to go straight down; indicating a toxic match for me.
Shockingly (truly shockingly), my arm stayed strong!

I"m not playing around, folks! I'm dead serious about my drinking! And getting it honest. And getting it right.

It may or may not be challenging not to want more when I polish these off over the next few hours.
But I won't be getting more regardless.
And my amazing, supportive daughter is looking out for that too.

I'm NOT an ALCOHOLIC like you brainwashed me into believing about myself for all these decades.

AA causes hundreds if not thousands of suicides. Did you know that? (links in the right margin).
Robin Williams was no exception; they were partially to blame for his suicide. That's my very educated opinion.

LPP (link in the right margin) EMPowers people, not DEPowers people like CultAA.

If you want to hear about my day, the day that didn't even cause me to think about drinking at the most stressful parts of it; and not even for several hours after the chaos settled and I was just watching TV and waiting for a call from an exterminator, read on. The thought to drink didn't even enter my head until the very end of this long, productive day when I was ready to simply relax and unwind!


Cucarachas! Cockroaches! That's how my day started!
Apparently, we have them, courtesy of my next door neighbor from hell. And one landed on my chest early this morning that was hiding in the roll of toilet paper I grabbed from under my bathroom sink!
I didn't even scream. I was half asleep in the darkness. I felt something and exclaimed "What's That?!" while swiping at whatever it was! Lights on. Almost wide awake now. Three inch American  (as opposed to other species' of cockroaches). I smashed it with the butt wipes container. That's the fourth big bugger I've seen in our house in two weeks.

So much more happened this morning. Oh my gosh, it put an ME/CFS patient to the test; it pushed me to my limit; which can be dangerous for us.

I guess I really don't want to drone on. I hate long blog posts! So that's all you need to know about my day!